The Most Important Natural Health Discovery Of The 21st Century?
The Most Important Natural Health Discovery Of The 21st Century?
Studies are showing that regular connection to the earth through grounding has proven benefits for the body. Learn more about them here.

Our Bodies Have Become Disconnected From The Earth
Our Bodies Have Become Disconnected From The Earth
In today's world, many people live and work in man-made structures, disconnected from the Earth's built-in energy.
This disconnection may be a contributing factor to various health issues.

Grounding Is Natures Healing
By grounding 8hrs a night, you’re able to to flood your body daily with negatively charged electrons. These electrons fight off free radicals in the body, which are the cornerstone of inflammation.
Any treatment that is able to remove free radicals is known as an antioxidant and is very powerful for healing in the body.
How Grounding Products Work
Grounding products recreate this
vital Earth connection:
Conductive fibers in the sheets connect to
your home's grounding system
This allows the free flow of electrons from
the Earth to your body
Your body absorbs these electrons, spreading
them throughout your system
This process restores natural balance and
supports various bodily functions

Sleep Better & Improve Your Health
With Grounding Sheets: Backed By Clinical Studies
Here’s why everyone should be sleeping grounded and connecting to the
Earth’s healing energy for at least 8hrs a night.

Deeper Sleep
12 subjects slept grounded for 8 weeks. 11 reported falling asleep faster. All reported waking fewer times during the night.

Reduce Inflammation
Earthing appears to counteract inflammation through the transfer of negatively charged electrons from earths surface into the body. When the electrons are in the body, the electrons neutralise positively charged free radicals involved in inflammation.

Increase Energy
In a study, 9 out of 12 subjects reported improvement of fatigue symptoms. This is because people that aren’t grounded are depleted of the earths electrons that can be used to neutralize free radicals - the molecules that cause inflammation and disease.

Improve Blood Flow
Studies have shown that just one hour contact with earth significantly promotes blood flow, as well as reducing thickness of blood. Improved blood flow is a major help in many diseases.

Reduce Stress
Ever feel relaxed when out in nature, or barefoot at the beach? That’s because these places are saturated with negative electrons, and you are grounded! In multiple studies, earthing has been proven to normalise cortisol, calm activity in the brain, improve heart rate variability and shift the nervous system from sympathetic to parasympathetic.

Faster Recovery
Studies have shown grounded people to have less DOMS than ungrounded, along with faster healing of wounds.
Other benefits of grounding
Reduces Pain
Most pain is due to inflammation, and responds quickly to earthing. Healing related pain is usually lessened in intensity and duration.
Increases Production Of Melatonin
Melatonin is the most important of the pineal gland hormones. It promotes deep and restful sleep, supports the immune system, slows cell damage and aging, and improves energy.
Normalize Cortisol
Cortisol is a stress response that can contribute to many issues if chronically elevated. It can cause sleep disorders, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, mood disturbances, autoimmune disease, and abnormal glucose levels. Grounding has been proven to normalize cortisol levels.
Improved Nervous System
In the first study on babies, immediate improvements in autonomic nervous system function were reported. It strongly increased the babies heart rate variability that indicated improved vagus nerve function. The vagus nerve is main nerve of parasympathetic nervous system and hows a powerful influence on inflammatory and stress response.
Improved Mood
Among 8 female subjects grounded for six weeks, 7 reported an improved mood. Plus - have you ever gone barefoot at the beach and not felt in a better mood afterwards?! Ref: 1, 16
Higher blood viscosity means thicker blood and is correlated with diabetes and cardiovascular disorders. Two studies have both concluded that earthing significantly reduces blood viscosity, thus potentially improving red blood cell spacing. It appears that earthing could be a potent circulation booster and be a simple strategy to prevent diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Improved Blood Flow
Studies have shown that one hour of contact with the earth appears to significantly promote blood regulation and circulation. Ref: 2, 13, 17.
Increased Metabolic Rate
A study with 28 subjects showed that those who were grounded had a higher metabolic rate.
Reduces Muscle Damage
In a study, grounded men showed reduced muscle damage and accelerated recovery from DOMs compared to no-grounded men. In another study, researchers found grounding during cycling significantly reduced the level of blood urea, which is an indicator of muscle and protein breakdown. Ref: 7, 14, 18, 19.
Most pain is due to inflammation, and responds quickly to earthing. Healing related pain is usually lessened in intensity and duration.
Melatonin is the most important of the pineal gland hormones. It promotes deep and restful sleep, supports the immune system, slows cell damage and aging, and improves energy.
Cortisol is a stress response that can contribute to many issues if chronically elevated. It can cause sleep disorders, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, mood disturbances, autoimmune disease, and abnormal glucose levels. Grounding has been proven to normalize cortisol levels.
In the first study on babies, immediate improvements in autonomic nervous system function were reported. It strongly increased the babies heart rate variability that indicated improved vagus nerve function. The vagus nerve is main nerve of parasympathetic nervous system and hows a powerful influence on inflammatory and stress response.
Among 8 female subjects grounded for six weeks, 7 reported an improved mood. Plus - have you ever gone barefoot at the beach and not felt in a better mood afterwards?! Ref: 1, 16
Higher blood viscosity means thicker blood and is correlated with diabetes and cardiovascular disorders. Two studies have both concluded that earthing significantly reduces blood viscosity, thus potentially improving red blood cell spacing. It appears that earthing could be a potent circulation booster and be a simple strategy to prevent diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Studies have shown that one hour of contact with the earth appears to significantly promote blood regulation and circulation. Ref: 2, 13, 17.
A study with 28 subjects showed that those who were grounded had a higher metabolic rate.
In a study, grounded men showed reduced muscle damage and accelerated recovery from DOMs compared to no-grounded men. In another study, researchers found grounding during cycling significantly reduced the level of blood urea, which is an indicator of muscle and protein breakdown. Ref: 7, 14, 18, 19.
More Questions?
Grounding Scientific References
The Biologic Effects of Grounding the Human Body During Sleep as Measured by Cortisol Levels and Subjective Reporting of Sleep, Pain, and Stress
Changes in Pulse Rate, Respiratory Rate, Blood Oxygenation, Perfusion Index, Skin Conductance, and Their Variability Induced During and After Grounding Human Subjects for 40 Minutes
Emotional Stress, Heart Rate Variability, Grounding, and Improved Autonomic Tone: Clinical Applications
Earthing (Grounding) the Human Body Reduces Blood Viscosity— a Major Factor in Cardiovascular Disease
Grounding the Human Body Improves Facial Blood Flow Regulation: Results of a Randomized, Placebo Controlled Pilot Study
The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases
One-Hour Contact with the Earth’s Surface (Grounding) Improves Inflammation and Blood Flow—A Randomized, Double-Blind, Pilot Study
Discover Our Best-Selling Grounding Essentials